Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Musings on packing

Why does it take more time to pack stuff other than clothes? As our lives become more intertwined with our electronic possessions, it is increasingly more difficult to set out on a journey. Gone are the days when I could throw my clothing, toiletries and some reading matter in a bag. Now, the clothes packing takes about an hour, but the other crap takes about six!! There is the cellphone, of course, the camera, the Ipod, and for some, the computer. These devices all have chargers, USB wires, etc. Then there is the madness of a middle-aged woman's toiletries. Creams for the face, body, feet; pills, vitamins, toners,make-up,hair accessories,tweezers, first-aid items.....aargh! Add to all that the complications of packing 3 oz. portions of everything should you want to carry your possessions on the plane, or if you're like me, you just worry about being separated from your precious stuff! I never, ever, fly without my little quart-sized zip-lock bag with mini-containers of all the potions I can't live without. Knock on wood, I haven't lost a bag yet, but I'm not taking any chances! Then there is the business of being connected. Once upon a time, you could disappear for awhile and be blissfully unaware of what was happening back home. No more...everyone expects you to keep up with your emails while you are gone! I long for the day when I'd just jot a few postcards and send them off. Now, if you neglect your emails, you're faced with a mountain of junk when you return...for me this just obliterates the good feelings I had while on "vacation".

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